Marquette University Wisconsin - Dr Daniel Rowe

Professor, CoDirector of Data Science
Head of Functional Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis Lab
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Marquette University

313 Cudahy Hall,
1313 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233

Phone: 414-288-5228
E-mail: daniel.rowe{at}

Applications are now being accepted for:
MU Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences PhD/MS Program.
MU Applied Statistics MS Program.
MU Statistical Science BS Program.

Adjunct Professor
Faculty of the Center for Imaging Research
Department of Biophysics
Medical College of Wisconsin

8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226-0509
E-mail: dbrowe{at}

Adjunct Professor
School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences
Clemson University

O-110 Martin Hall
Clemson, South Carolina 29634
E-mail: drowe2{at}



Recent News

 October 2024: New Paper Accepted.

Rice-distributed autoregressive time series modeling of magnitude functional MRI data. Adrian DA, Maitra R, ROWE DB. Annals of Applied Statistics, (2024).

 October 2024: New Paper Accepted.

Bayesian Merged Utilization of GRAPPA and SENSE (BMUGS) for In-Plane Accelerated Reconstruction Increases FMRI Detection Power. Sakitis CJ,ROWE DB. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, (2024).

 September 2024: MSSC Student Posters

Lab members Ke Xu and John Bodenschatz presented posters from their summer's research. Ke's poster was A Through-Plane Acceleration Approach to Increase SNR ofSimultaneous Multi-Slice in FMRI and John's was Simulation and Harmonic Analysis of K-Space Readout.

 October 2024: New Paper Accepted.

Efficient Fully Bayesian Approach to Brain Activity Mapping with Complex-Valued fMRI Data. Wang Z, ROWE DB, Li X, Brown DA. Journal of Applied Statistics, (2024).

 September 2024: Spring Courses

In Spring 2025 Dr. Rowe is teaching:
MATH 2780: Introduction to Regression and Classification
MATH 4740/MSSC 5740: Biostatistical Methods and Models

 September 2024: Colloquium at Marquette University.

Dr. Rowe presented in the Marquette Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences colloquium titled FMRI Signal Measurements, Image Reconstruction, and Phase Contrast Information

 September 2024: Colloquium at University of Arizona.

Dr. Rowe presented at a joint Brain & Body Imaging Center and Department of Biostatistics colloquium titled Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: From Measurements to Brain Activation

 September 2024: New Paper Accepted.

A Bayesian Approach to GRAPPA Parallel FMRI Image Reconstruction Increases SNR and Power of Task Detection. Sakitis CJ,ROWE DB. Annals of Applied Statistics, (2024).

 September 2024: New Paper Accepted.

Generation of Patient Specific Cardiac Chamber Models Using Generative Neural Networks Under a Bayesian Framework for Electroanatomical Mapping. Mathew S, Sra J, ROWE DB. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, (2024).

 August 2024: Presentations at IMSI.

IMSI Challenges in Neuroimaging Data Analysis Workshop. Dr. Rowe will be presenting research on Processing Induced Correlation in FMRI Data.

 August 2024: New Paper Accepted.

A Bayesian Complex-Valued Latent Variable Model Applied to FMRI. Sakitis CJ,Brown DA, ROWE DB. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C, (2024).

 August 2024: Research Successfully Presented at JSM in Portland.

JSM 24 Conference: Ke during her talk and Chase before his talk. Dr. Rowe also presented.

 August 2024: Presentations at JSM.

Chase Sakitis presented his work titled A Bayesian Approach to Fused GRAPPA and SENSE MR Image Reconstruction and Ke Xu presented her work titled A CAIPI Approach to Decrease Geometry Factor for Simultaneous Multi-Slice Technique in FMRI. Dr. Rowe presentied his work titled Bayesian k-Space Estimation Decreases Image Noise and Increased Activation Detection. Research collaborator Dan Adrian presented joint work with Ranjan Maitra titled Improved activation detection from magnitude and phase functional MRI data. Dr. Rowe also chaired the session Recent Advances in Bayesian Modeling

 July 2024: Fall Courses

In Fall 2024 Dr. Rowe is teaching:
MATH 1700: Modern Elementary Statistics
MSSC 6010: Computational Probability

 May 2024: Presentations at SMI.

Chase Sakitis will be presenting his Bayesian Fused GRAPPA and SENSE research, Ke Xu will be presenting her Simultaneous Encoded FMRI research, and John Bodenschatz will be presenting his SHAKER fMRI data simulator/analysis software in poster sessions. Dr. Rowe will be presenting his work on Bayesian k-space estimation for fMRI in an invited sesson.

 May 2024: Commencement

Following Sunil and Chase's successful submissions of their dissertstions they walked through commencement. Here is a picture before they were hooded by Dr. Rowe.

 March 2024: New Paper Accepted and Online.

A Fully Bayesian Approach for Comprehensive Mapping of Magnitude and Phase Brain Activation in Complex-Valued FMRI Data. Zhengxin Wang, Daniel B. Rowe, Xinyi Li, D. Andrew Brown. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 109:271-285, (2024).

 March 2024: PhD Dissertation Defense.

 Chase Sakitis successfully defended his dissertation research titled Formal Bayesian Approaches to the SENSE and GRAPPA Parallel FMRI Reconstruction Techniques along with their Combination. Congratulations Chase!

 March 24: Lab Visitor.

Lab alumni Dr. Iain Bruce 2014' MR Imaging and Applications Scientist at Polarean returned to the Department to present his most recent cutting edge corporate research on Hyperloplarized Lung Imaging. Dr.s Bruce and Rowe picture.

 March 2024: PhD Dissertation Defense.

 Chase Sakitis' PhD dissertation defense is scheduled for March 22 at 9 am.

 March 2024: Workshop Plenary Speaker

  Dr. Rowe will be giving a Hands On Learning Session on Current Topics in Deep Learning - Optimizations at the Marquette University OSCT Deep Learning Workshop. Registration is now open and free for students.

 February 2024: MU Elective

 Registration is now open for Dr. Rowe's summer 2024 Math 4770/MSSC 5770 Statistical Machine Vision elective. Flyer. The course will be on MTuWTh 11:30am-1:00pm, 05-20-2024 to 06-29-2024 via Synchronous Distance Learning but lectures will be recorded so that students can take the course asynchronously. Math 4770: Class # 1727, Section # 101. MSSC 5770: Class # 1728, Section # 101.

 November 2023: Spring Courses

In Spring 2024 Dr. Rowe is teaching:
MATH 4740/MSSC 5740: Biostatistical Methods and Models
MSSC 6020 Statistical Simulation

 October 2023: Research Published in Proceedings.

Lab doctoral students and Dr. Rowe publish research in JSM Proceedings
Ke Xu: Increased SNR by Simultaneous Encoded Complex-Valued Slices with Through-Plane Acceleration in FMRI
Chase Sakitis: Formal Bayesian Approach to GRAPPA Image Reconstructions
Dr. Rowe: Statistics of Intrinsic FMRI Data

 September 2023: Bayesian Class.

Dr. Rowe is teaching Bayesian Statistics this semester. Bayesian Statistics and multivariate distributions are important fields of statistics. Much knowledge can be gained by evaluating the probability of one thing given another. Flyer

 September 2023: Written Comprehensive Exam

Lab PhD student John Bodenschatz just passed his written comprehensive exam. Congratulations John!

 August 2023: PhD Dissertation Defense.

 Sunil Mathew successfully defended his dissertation research titled Generation of Cardiac Chamber Models using Interpretable Generative Neural Networks for Electrophysiology Studies. He will be taking the position of postdoctoral fellow, Rey Lab for Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience, Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI We wish Sunil the best of luck.

 August 2023: Research Successfully Presented at JSM in Toronto.

JSM 23 Conference: Ke before her talk and Chase before his talk. Dr. Rowe also presented.

 August 2023: Research Being Presented at JSM in Toronto.

Ke Xu: Increased SNR by Simultaneous Encoded Complex-Valued Slices with Through-Plane Acceleration in FMRI
Chase Sakitis: Formal Bayesian Approach to GRAPPA Image Reconstructions
Dr. Rowe: Statistics of Intrinsic FMRI Data

 May 2023: SMI Conference.

SMI 23 conference attendance Ke & Dr. Rowe at her poster and Chase at his poster. Lab Member John Bodenschatz also attended.

 April 2023: Presentation at SMI.

Ke Xu will be presenting her Simultaneous Encoded FMRI research and Chase Sakitis will be presenting his Bayesian GRAPPA research in poster sessions.

 April 2023: MU Elective

 Dr. Rowe is again teaching Bayesian Statistics this fall. Bayesian Statistics, incorporating prior knowledge, and multivariate distributions are important fields of statistics. Flyer

 March 2023: Workshop Plenary Speaker

  Dr. Rowe will be giving a plenary lecture at the Marquette University OSCT Deep Learning Workshop. Registration is now open. Dr. Rowe's Will be presenting a deeper and more technical look at Artificial Neural Networks with a talk titled "Foundations of Neural Nets." Registration is free for students.

 March 2023: Student Summer Support

  All three fMRI lab doctoral students have been awarded summer support. Chase is grant funded through Dr. Rowe's MU Regular Research Grand while Ke and John were awarded Wehr Fellowships. Congratulations all!

 February 2023: Poster Presentation.

The research of Chase Sakitis has been selected by the MSSC Graduate Committee to represent the research in the CMPS Ph.D. program at the Marquette Graduate Student Poster Session. Congratulations! Update: Picture of Chase!

 January 2023: Dissertation Proposal Defense.

Lab doctoral student Ke Xu will be presenting an defending his dissertation proposal on Monday January. After which she will be formally advanced to candidacy. Good luck Ke! Update: Successfullly passed.

 December 2022: University Grant.

Dr. Rowe has been awarded a Regular Research Grant from the Marquette University Committee on Research to provide funds to support a student to conduct research in the summer.

 November 2022: Adjunct Appointment.

Dr. Rowe has been given a courtesy Adjunct Professor position in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Clemson University.

 November 2022: Data Release.

Dr. Rowe has released and made some complex-valued data sets publically available.

 November 2022: Lab Presentations.

Lab doctoral students Ke Xu and Chase Sakitis will be presenting their dissertation research at the Forward Thinking Research Symposium. Good Luck Ke and Chase!

 November 2022: Dissertation Proposal Defense.

Lab doctoral student Chase Sakitis will be presenting an defending his dissertation proposal on Wednesday November 16. After which he will be formally advanced to candidacy. Good luck Chase! Update: Successfullly passed.

 October 2022: Lab Visitor.

Lab alumni Dr. Muge Karaman 2014' returned to the Department to present her most recent cutting edge research. Former lab member along with current lab members picture.

 September 2022: CSSRF Preesentations.

Research in a symposium format session on Friday October 30 from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm. flyer

 September 2022: O'Bayes Conference.

Chase Sakitis will be presenting his research at the O'Bayes 2022 Conference at the University of California Santa Cruz, September 6-10, 2022.

 August 2022: JSM Conference.

JSM 22 conference attendance and presentations of research Chase and Dr. Rowe giving talks.

 August 2022: Research Being Presented at JSM.

Chase Sakitis: A Full Bayesian Approach to SENSE Image Reconstruction Increases Brain Tissue Contrast and Reduces Noise for More Accurate Statistical Analysis
Dr. Rowe: A Full Bayesian Approach to SENSE Image Reconstruction Increases Brain Tissue Contrast and Reduces Noise for More Accurate Statistical Analysis

 May 2022: SMI Conference.

SMI 22 conference attendance Chase & Dr. Rowe and Dr. Rowe giving Founders talk.

 May 2022: Presentation at SMI.

Chase Sakitis will be presenting his Bayesian SENSE research in a poster session. Dr. Rowe will be giving the keynote plenary founders lecture at the Statistical Methods in Imaging Conference on Friday May 27 in Nashville TN. Conference Schedule

 April 2022: Lab Addition

 New Putting Green and Dart Board added to the Rowe Lab! Putting Green & Darts.

 March 2022: Lab Addition

 New Ping-Pong table added to the Rowe Lab! Ping-Pong 1, Ping-Pong 2.

 February 2022: MU Elective

 Registration is now open for Dr. Rowe's summer 2022 elective on Statistical Machine Vision. Flyer. The course will be MATH 4931/MSSC 5931: Topics in Mathematical or Statistical Sciences on MTuWTh 11:30am-1:05pm, 05-23-2022 to 07-02-2022 via Synchronous Distance Learning. Math 4931: Class # 1163, Section # 101. MSSC 5931: Class # 1165, Section # 101.

 January 2022: New paper

 New paper accepted. Yu CH, Prado R, Ombao HC, ROWE DB: Bayesian Spatial Modeling via Kernel Convolutions on Complex-Valued fMRI Signals. Biometrics, 2022.

 December 2021: New paper

 New paper accepted. Herzberg W, ROWE DB, Hauptmann A, Hamilton SJ: Graph Convolutional Networks for Model-Based Learning in Nonlinear Inverse Problems. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 7:1341-1353, (2021).

 November 2021: Spring Courses

 In Spring 2022 Dr. Rowe is teaching: MATH 1700H: Honors Modern Elementary Statistics, MATH 1700H: Honors Modern Elementary Statistics Lab, and INDS 4997: Capstone in Data Science.

 October 2021: MU Elective

 Dr. Rowe will be again teaching an elective in Summer 2022 on Statistical Machine Vision. The course will be MATH 4931/MSSC 5931: Topics in Mathematical or Statistical Sciences on MTuWTh 11:30am-1:05pm. Flyer

 September 2021: MU Elective

 Dr. Rowe is teaching the Bayesian Statistical Learning elective. Bayesian Statistics and multivariate distributions are important fields of statistics. Flyer

 May 2021: MU Statistical Science Major

 The Mathematical and Statistical Sciences is proud to announce that a new major in Statistal Sciences to begin Fall 2021.

 March 2021: MU Elective

 Dr. Rowe will be teaching an elective in Fall 2021 on Bayesian Statistical Learning. The course will be MATH 4931/MSSC 5931: Topics in Mathematical or Statistical Sciences on TuTh 5:00pm-6:15pm. Flyer

 February 2021: MU Elective

 Dr. Rowe will be teaching an elective in Summer 2021 on Statistical Machine Vision. The course will be MATH 4931/MSSC 5931: Topics in Mathematical or Statistical Sciences on MTuWTh 11:30am-1:05pm. Flyer

 January 2021: Teaching Class.

 Dr. Rowe is again teaching the MSSC 6020 Statistical Simulation course.

 December 2020: Thesis Defense.

 Lab member Turner Swanson Successfully defended his Master's in Computational Sciences research. Congratulations Turner!

 November 2020: Thesis Defense.

 Lab member Turner Swanson will be presenting his Computational Sciences MS research on Thrsday Nov 12 at 2pm on "Bayesian Statistical Modeling for Enhancing Patent Application Grant Rate Timelines for Temporal Patent Prosecution Prediction ." Good Luck Turner!

 August 2020: Research Being Presented at JSM.

Daniel Rowe (Topic Contributed): Utilizing Baseline and Differential Information to Improve fMRI Brain Activation
and Dr. Rowe chaired a session sponsored by the ASA Section on Imaging
Daniel Rowe: Contemporary Statistical Methods for Imaging Data Analysis

 May 2020: Teaching Class.

 Dr. Rowe will be teaching the enhanced named MSSC 6010 Computational Probability course in Fall 2020.

 April 2020: Thesis Defense.

 Lab member Samuel Gailliot successfully defended his Masters in Applied Statistics thesis on "Statistical and Dimension Reduction Methodology for Detecting and Parametrizing Core-Collapse Supernovae." Congratulations Sam!

 February 2020: Alumni Spotlight.

 Lab CMPS-PhD Alumni Iain Bruce 2014' who is a Medical Instructor at Duke was just featured in a Duke University faculty spotlight. Thanks for making us proud Iain!

 February 2020: Workshop.

 The Deep Learning Foundation and Application Workshop that Dr Rowe was to give Plenary and Hands On lectures in was postponed. Stay tuned for updates.

 January 2020: Teaching Class.

 Dr. Rowe is again teaching the MSSC 6020 (Statistical) Simulation course.

 January 2020: Attended Data Meetup.

 Dr. Rowe attended a data meetup on January 8 at Direct Supply Data Science Facility.

 November 2019: Attended Data Imersion.

 Dr. Rowe will be attending the LOMA Insurance Imersion for Data Scientists on November 6-8 at the Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute.

 September 2019: Attended Data Meetup.

 Dr. Rowe attended a data meetup on September 20 at NW Mutual's Cream City Labs.

 September 2019: Attended Data Meetup.

 Dr. Rowe attended a data meetup on September 13 at Continuus Technologies.

 July 2019: Research Being Presented at JSM.

 Dr. Rowe was involved in several research project presented at the annual JSM.
Daniel Rowe (Topic Contributed): Detecting fMRI Brain Activation via Neural Networks
Daniel Adrian (Topic Contributed): Latent Complex-Valued Autoregressive Model for fMRI Magnitude Time Series
and Dr. Rowe chaired a session sponsored by the ASA Section on Imaging
Daniel Rowe: Object-Oriented Analysis of Imaging Data

 June 2019: Director of Graduate Studies

Dr. Rowe was named Director of Graduate Studies for the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Marquette University. This encompases all graduate programs within the department. Congratulations!

 April 2019: Workshop Plenary Speaker

 Dr. Rowe will be giving a plenary lecture at the Marquette University Office of Statistical Consulting and Training (OSCT) is holding its annual Deep Learning Foundation and Application workshop. Here is Dr. Rowe's lecture (.pdf) on Deep Learning Foundations: Neural Networks (58:20 in)

 March 2019: Media Appearance CBS 58 5 O'Clock News Milwaukee.

 NCAA Basketball Bracketology. CBS 58 News Interviews Marquette Statistics Professor Daniel Rowe about the 2019 NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament. Text Link Here
 Professor Rowe Explains some probabilities of #5 seeded Marquette and #5 seeded Wisconsin men's basketball teams progressing in the 2019 NCAA basketball tournament.
 He further went on to describe the probability of a #5 seed making it to the Elite Eight and various probabilities of Marquette and/or Wisconsing making it to various points in the bracket using seeding information and historical probabilities.

 March 2019: MU Elective

Dr. Rowe will be teaching an elective in Fall 2019 on Bayesian Statistical Learning. The course will be MATH 4931/MSSC 5931: Topics in Mathematical or Statistical Sciences on TuTh 5:00pm-6:15pm. Flyer

 February 2019: APST-MS ADP

Dr. Rowe's accelerated degree program (ADP) proposal for a 5 year BA/BS and MS in Applied Statistics was just approved to begin in Fall 2019. Marquette undergraduate students apply during the spring semester of their junior year. Students in the program are able to double count 12 credits (4 courses) toward both degree. Students receive their BA/BS after their 4th year and continue for one additional year to complete their MS in Applied Statistics. You must be in the program to double count courses.

 February 2019: New Departments

Due to growth in the areas of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, the current MSCS department will be splitting into two departments as of Fall 2019. The current department will change it's name to the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (MSSC) and a new Department of Computer Science (COSC) is being formed. This will not affect current students. MSSC will be changing the name of it's PhD program for future students to "Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences" and COSC has created a new PhD program in "Computer Science."

 January 2019: Internal Award

Samuel Gailliot (APST-MS) and Professor Daniel Rowe received an internal award of Wehr Science Funds for summer research on the "Analysis of Statistical Methods for Extraction of Black Hole Coalescence Waveforms from Noisy Data." Sam will be conducting the work through the summer and continuing it for his Master's thesis.

 January 2019: Northwestern Mutual Award

Rasha Atshan (APST-MS) received a Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute Student Scholar award for summer research with Professor Daniel Rowe on the "Employee Attrition Factors." Rasha will analyze data from IBM to reveal the factors behind employee attrition and the quality of employee performance at work under Dr. Daniel Rowe's supervision.

 December 2018: Research Paper Published in the Journal of the American Statistical Association.

Yu C-H, Prado R, Ombao HC, ROWE DB: A Bayesian variable selection approach yields improved brain activation from complex-valued fMRI, JASA 13(524):1395-1410, 2018.

 September 2018: Media Appearance ABC WISN12 Milwaukee.

Professor Dan Rowe discussed the sports statistic the Magic Number for the Brewers in their quest for the NL Central division title and making the playoffs. (Story aired on ABC WISN 12 News at 5 O’Clock. September 25, 2018)

 September 2018: Media Appearance NBC TMJ4 Milwaukee.

Dan Rowe discussed statistics of the improbable comeback of the Green Bay Packers over the Chicago Bears. (Story aired on NBC TMJ4 News at 6 O’Clock. September 10, 2018) Beating the odds: Packers pull off wild comeback despite low win probability

 September 2018: Research Paper Published in AOAS.

Adrian DW, Maitra R, Rowe DB: Complex-Valued Time Series Modeling for Improved Activation Detection in FMRI Studies. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(3):1451-1478, 2018.

 August 2018: Research Being Presented at JSM.

 Dr. Rowe was involved in several research project presented at the annual JSM.

Kevin Liu (Topic Contributed): Simulation of fMRI Data, a Complex-Valued Representation
Benjamin Risk (Topic Contributed): Statistical Impacts of Reconstruction Method in Simultaneous Multislice Acquisition of fMRI
Cheng-Han Yu (Topic Contributed): Bayesian Spatial Modeling via Kernel Convolutions on Complex-Valued fMRI Signals
Daniel Rowe (Topic Contributed): The Past, Present, and Future of Complex-Valued fMRI Activation

and Dr. Rowe chaired a session sponsored by the ASA Section on Imaging
Daniel Rowe: Brain Structural and Functional Connectivity Analysis

 June 2018: Director of Masters in Applied Statistics.

Dr. Rowe was named Director of the Masters in Applied Statistics program at Marquette University. Congratulations!

 April 2018: Research Paper Accepted in the Journal of the American Statistical Association.

Yu C-H, Prado R, Ombao HC, ROWE DB: A Bayesian variable selection approach yields improved brain activation from complex-valued fMRI, JASA In Press, 2018.

 February 2018: Research Paper Published in Neuroimage.

Risk, B.B., Kociuba, M.C., Rowe, D.B., Impacts of simultaneous multislice acquisition on sensitivity and specificity in fMRI. NeuroImage, 172:538-553, 2018.

 January 2018: Research Paper Accepted in Neuroimage.

Risk, B.B., Kociuba, M.C., Rowe, D.B., Impacts of simultaneous multislice acquisition on sensitivity and specificity in fMRI. NeuroImage, Accepted, 2018.

 October 2017: Research Paper Accepted in AOAS.

Adrian DW, Maitra R, Rowe DB: Complex-Valued Time Series Modeling for Improved Activation Detection in FMRI Studies. The Annals of Applied Statistics, Accepted, 2017.

 August 2017: Research Being Presented at JSM.

 Dr. Rowe was involved in several research project presented at the annual JSM.

Daniel Adrian (Topic Contributed): Improved Activation Detection via Rice-Distributed fMRI Time Series Modeling
Daniel Rowe (Invited): A Bayesian Approach to SENSE Image Reconstruction in fMRI
Cheng-Han Yu (Student Award): A Bayesian Variable Selection Approach Yields Improved Brain Activation From Complex-Valued fMRI

and Dr. Rowe chaired a session sponsored by the ASA Section on Imaging
Daniel Rowe: Statistical Methods for Studying Brain Connectivity and Networks

 June 2017: ICSA.

Dr. Rowe presented an invited talk at the 2017 ICSA (International Chinese Statistical Association) Applied Statistics Symposium, titled FMRI Preprocessing Changes the Statistical Properties of Your Data.

 June 2017: OHBM.

Dr. Ben Risk presented joint work with Dr. Mary Kociuba and Dr. Dan Rowe in an invited symposia titled Impacts of multiband acceleration factors on sensitivity and specificity at this years annual Organizatin for Human Barin Mapping (OHBM) meeting in the session titled High resolution fMRI via multiband (SMS) acquisition: opportunities and limitations.

 April 2017: ISMRM Lab Reunion.

While at this year's ISMRM, Dr. Rowe and Lab PhD graduates Dr. Iain P. Bruce and Dr. M. Muge Karaman from Marquette (right) and MCW Dr. Andrew D. Hahn and Dr. Andrew S. Nencka (left) from MCW gathered for a Lab reunion. Photo.

 April 2017: ISMRM

Dr. Rowe attended the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine's (ISMRMs) 25th Meeting and Exhibition.

 February 2017: Lab Alumnus Ben Risk News.

Dr. Benjain B. Risk Dr. Rowe's postdoc while at SAMSI has acepted a new Assistant Professor position in the Department of Biostatistics and the Center for Biostatistical Imaging Statistics at Emory University. Congratulations Ben!

 January 2017: ASA Section on Imaging Student Award.

Doctoral candidate Cheng-Han Yu at UCSC was awarded three-way runner up for the 2017 ASA Section in Imaging student paper competition for his paper titled "A Bayesian Variable Selection Approach Yields Improved Brain Activation From Complex-Valued fMRI." He will receive a certificate and a cash prize in addition to the privilige of presenting the paper in a Topic-Contributed Session sponsored by Statistics in Imaging Section at the JSM 2017 in Baltimore, MD. This paper is joint with Professor Raquel Prado at UCSC, Professsor Hernando Ombao at UCI, and Professor Rowe at Marquette University.

 October 2016: Lab Alumnus Andrew Nencka News.

Dr. Andrew Nencka was named Associate Director of the Center for Imaging Research at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Congratulations Andrew.

 September 2016: Written Comprehensive Exam

Lab PhD student Kevin Liu just passed his written comprehensive exam. Congratulations Kevin!

 August 2016: SAMSI

Lab head Dan Rowe will be attending the Statistical, Mathematical and Computational Methods for Astronomy (ASTRO) workshop at SAMSI.
Update: It was great hearing about spiraling black holes, gravity waves, pulsars, and the other astrophysics. It brings me back to my undergraduate days in Physics.

 August 2016: Research Being Presented at JSM.

 Several members of the Rowe lab are presenting their research at the annual JSM.

Daniel Adrian: An Assessment of Statistical Models of Complex-Valued fMRI Data
Daniel Rowe: SENSE-Induced Correlation in Simultaneous Multi-Slice fMRI
Kevin Liu: Image Registration Techniques Alter Image Properties in fMRI

and Dr. Rowe is chairing a session sponsored by the ASA Section on Imaging
Daniel Rowe: Statistical Methods for Brain Connectivity and Network Analysis

 July 2016: Lab Alumnus Andrew Nencka News.

Dr. Andrew Nencka was named Interim Associate Director of the Center for Imaging Research at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Congratulations Andrew.

 July 2016: PhD Dissertation Defense.

 Mary Kociuba successfully defended her dissertation research. She will be taking the position of Senior Fellow in the Department of Pediatrics Division of Neonatology at the University of Washington School of Medicine (SoM). She will be working on improved MRI acquisition and reconstruction techniques for MRI of fetal and neonatal development. We wish Mary the best of luck.

 July 2016: PhD Dissertation Defense.

 Mary Kociuba's PhD dissertation defense is scheduled for July 13 at 10 am in Cudahy 401.

 May 2016: SAMSI

Lab head Dan Rowe has completed his academic year sabbatical at SAMSI/UNC. It was a great experience!

 May 2016: ISMRM

Lab member Mary Kociuba is traveling to Singapore to present two pieces of research at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Annual Meeting on May 7-May 13, 2016. Have a great trip Mary!

 May 2016: Research Being Presented

Lab student member Mary Kociuba, lab PhD graduate Iain Bruce, and postdoc Ben Risk along with Lab head Dr. Rowe are presenting their research at the Statistical and Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) Challenges in Computational Neuroscience (CCNS) Transition Workshop in Research triangle Park, NC.

 May 2016: Masters Degree Completed

Lab PhD student Kevin Liu just completed all the requirements for his Master's degree. He is continuing as a PhD student.

 April 2016: New Book Chapter Coming Out

Lab head Dr. Rowe has a newly published book chapter titled Image Reconstruction in Functional MRI in the Handbook of Statistical Methods for Brain Signals and Images published by Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. ISBN: 978-1-4822-20971.

 April 2016: University of Georgia Seminar

Lab head Dr. Rowe gave a presentation titled "Modeling and Analysis of Inherently Complex-Valued FMRI Data" at the University of Georgia Department of Statistics Seminar.

 April 2016: SAMSI CCNS Challenges in Functional Connectivity Workshop

Lab member Mary Kociuba gave a presentation titled "Complex-Valued Correlation in FMRI" at the SAMSI CCNS Challenges in Functional Connectivity Workshop. Lab head Dr. Rowe was a workshop organizer. Current lab student Kevin Liu and PhD graduate Muge Karaman attended.

 April 2016: Keynote Speaker

Lab head Dr. Rowe is the keynote speaker for the Network of Greater Georgia Institutions for Neuroimaging and Statistics (NOGGINS) Workshop in Athens, GA.

 March 2016: Accepted Paper

Lab member Mary Kociuba just had her paper titled "Complex-Valued Time-Series Correlation Increases Sensitivity in FMRI Analysis Magnetic Resonance Imaging" accepted in the joutnal Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Great job Mary!
Update: It s now online!

 February 2016: ISMRM Abstracts

Lab member Mary Kociuba had two pieces of research accepted to the peer-reviewed International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Annual Meeting held this year in Singapore. Great job Mary!

 February 2016: BIRS Workshop

Dr. Rowe and Kevin Liu will be attending the BIRS Workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Challenges in Neuroimaging Data Analysis. Dr. Rowe will also be giving a presentation titled Statistical Analysis of Image Reconstructed Fully-Sampled and Sub-Sampled fMRI Data.

 January 2016: Published Paper

Paper on simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) SPECS image separation model just published in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

 December 2015: Admission Applicaations

Applications for admission to the MSCS Computational Sciences PhD program are now being accepted.
I plan on taking on two new PhD students that are admitted Fall 2016.
Mode details about the program and application instructions can be found here.

 November 2015: Accepted Paper

Paper on simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) SPECS image separation model accepted in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

 September 2015: JSM Proceedings

All current lab members (Mary, Kevin, Emily, and Dr. Rowe) submitted JSM 2015 conference proceedings. These should appear in January 2016.

 August 2015: Research Presented at SAMSI-CCNS Workshop

Lab member Mary Kociuba gave a poster presentation of her work at the SAMSI CCNS (challenges in computational neuroscience) workshop.
Lab head Dr. Rowe gave a talk on image reconstruction and processing with their implications.

 August 2015: ASA Fellow

At the 2015 JSM, Lab head Dr. Rowe was presented his certificate signifying his election as ASA fellow.

 August 2015: Researh Presented at JSM

At the 2015 JSM, Dr. Rowe, Mary Kociuba, Kevin Liu, and Emily Paulson presented their reearch.

 July 2015: SAMSI-CCNS

Lab head Dr. Rowe and member Mary Kociuba have begun their stay at SAMSI for the year long program on CCNS.

 July 2015: SAMSI-CNS Summer School

Lab member Emily Paulson attended the SAMSI Computational Neuroscience Summer School.

 July 2015: ISMRM-SMS Workshop

Lab member Mary Kociuba presented part of her exciting dissertation work in an abstract titled "Multi-Coil Separation of Parallel Encoded Complex-Valued Slices (mSPECS) with Hadamard Aliasing and Bootstrap Calibration Minimizes Spatial and Temporal Correlations for Faster Brain Observation" at the ISMRM SMS workshop.

 June 2015: ASA Wisconsin Chapter Officer

Lab head Dr. Rowe was elected an the the office of director of the Wisconsin Chapter of the ASA.

 June 2015: SAMSI-CNS Summer School

Lab member Emily Paulson was accepted to the SAMSI Computational Neuroscience Summer School. She was also awarded travel and housing.

 June 2015: ISMRM

Lab member Mary Kociuba presented two pieces of research at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Annual Meeting. Great job Mary!

 May 2015: ISMRM-SMS Workshop

Lab member Mary Kociuba had an abstract accepted at the July ISMRM SMS workshop. She was also awarded a traine travel stipend.

 April 2015: Qualifyer

Lab member Mary Passed her dissertation proposal defense and is now advanced to candidacy. Congratulations Mary!

 April 2014: CSSRF.

 Emily Paulson has been awarded the prestegious Computational Sciences Summer Research Fellowship by the MSCS department. She will be researching the statistical effects of motion and respiration processing in fMRI over the summer.

 April 2015: Fellow

Lab head Dr. Rowe was just named a Fellow of the ASA. He will officially be presented with this honor at the JSM in August. Congratulations!

 March 2015: Qualifyer

Lab member Mary's Dissertation Proposal Qualifyer is scheduled for April 22. Let's all wish her luck.

 February 2015: ISMRM Abstracts

Lab member Mary Kociuba had two ISMRM abstracts accepted. Congratulations Mary.
Former lab members Andrew Nencka, Andrew Hahn, Iain Bruce, and Muge Karaman also had abstracts accepted. Congratulations everyone!

 January 2015: SAMSI Awards

 Dr. Daniel B. Rowe was just awarded a research fellowship and Mary C. Kociuba a graduate fellowship
to spend the 2015-2016 academic year at the SAMSI (Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute) in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
Dr. Rowe will be a Program Leader and Mary a participant in the 2015-16: Program on Challenges in Computational Neuroscience (CCNS).

 January 2015: Accepted Paper

 Muge Karaman's third paper titled Incorporating Relaxivities to More Accurately Reconstruct MR Images was just accepted in the journal Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Congratulations Muge!

 December 2014: Soref Charitable Trust Grant

 Daniel Rowe, Professor, received a Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) Daniel M. Soref Research Award for a project entitled “A Frequency Description of Induced Correlation in FMRI”. This award provides $2,500 for access time on the MCW Center for Imaging Research 7T scanners during the 2015 calendar year.

 December 2014: Hooding

 The doctoral hooding ceremony is on Saturday December 13. Muge will be hooded at at this cerempony. Then Muge will be officially Dr. Karaman!

 December 2014: Lab Space

 Our lab space was moved and expanded. We are now in Cudahy 410. I think we will be more productive in this new space.

 December 2014: Admission

 Lab member Kevin Liu was accepted into the PhD program in Computational Science from the MS program. Congratulations Kevin!

 November 2014: Published Paper

 Muge Karaman's paper titled Quantification of the Statistical Effects of Spatiotemporal Processing of Non-task fMRI Data was published in the journal Brain Connectivity, 4(9):649-661, 2014).

 November 2014: Submitted ISMRM Abstracts

 As a Lab, we submitted four ISMRM abstracts. My fingers are crossed.

 October 2014: New Student

 New student, Kevin Liu has joined the lab. Welcome!

 October 2014: Mary Kociuba Seminar

 Lab member Mary Kociuba presented her research in the MSCS department seminar on October 10.

 September 2014: NIH R21 grant just awarded, to examine the effects of processing in fMRI!

  Dr. Daniel Rowe is the PI recipient of a $385,698 NIH National Institutes of Neurological Disease and Stroke funded R21 to research the effects of image processing on human functional magnetic resonance images (fMRIs) that are used to determine brain activation and connectivity..

 August 2014: New Student

 Emily Paulson has joined the lab. Welcome!

 August 2014: Accepted Paper

 Muge Karaman's paper titled Quantification of the Statistical Effects of Spatiotemporal Processing of Non-task fMRI Data was accepted in the journal Brain Connectivity.

 August 2014: JSM 2014.

 Iain Bruce, Muge Karaman, Mary Kociuba and Dan Rowe presented their new research results at the Joint Statistical Meeting in Boston, MA. Great job everyone!

 July 2014: Left MU.

 Muge Karaman has accepted a postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. Joe Zhao at UIC. Her official title is "Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Center for MR Research - 3T Program (CMRR-3T) in the College of Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)."

 July 2014: PhD Dissertation Defense.

 Muge Karaman PhD Successfully defended her PhD dissertation on July 9. Congratulations Muge.

 July 2014: Travel Award.

 Mary Kociuba has been awarded $900 by the ASA to attend the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) in Boston. This is in addition to the $750 she was awarded by the department.

 June 2014: PhD Dissertation Defense.

 Muge Karaman's PhD dissertation defense is scheduled for July 9 at 10 am in Cudahy 401.

 June 2014: Left MU.

 Iain Bruce has started his a Postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. Allen Song Director of the Duke Brain Imaging and Analysis Center. His official title is "Postdoctoral Associate within the Duke/UNC Brain Imaging and Analysis Center (BIAC) at Duke University."

 May 2014: ISMRM.

 Muge Karaman and Iain Bruce presented their work at the ISMRM in Milan, Italy.

 April 2014: CSSRF.

 Mary Kociuba has been awarded the prestegious Computational Sciences Summer Research Fellowship by the MSCS department. She will be researching frequency representations of fMRI over the summer.

 April 2014: Leaving MU.

 Iain Bruce has accepted a Postdoctoral fellowship at the Duke Brain Imaging and Analysis Center. Make us proud Iain.

 March 2014: PhD Dissertation Defense.

 Iain Bruce Successfully defended his PhD dissertation on March 28. Congratulations Iain.

 March 2014: How far will the Panthers and Badgers go?

 WTMJ Radio 620 News Interviews Marquette Statistics Professor about NCAA Basketball Tournament
 Professor Rowe's explains that the number of possible combinations for the NCAA 68 team brackets is over 147 quintillion (147x1018). His advice for those in an office pool: study the history.
 "You can significantly increase your odds by looking at historical data." The probability of a perfect bracket can be increased using seeding information and historical probabilities.
 Hear the interview at

 March 2014: PhD Dissertation Defense.

 Iain Bruce's PhD dissertation defense is scheduled for March 28 at 10 am in Cudahy 401.

 February 2014: ISMRM Accepted Abstracts.

 Bruce IP, Muftuler LT, Rowe DB: Spatial Normalization Can Morph RF Coils into Brain Region Optimized Geometries for fcMRI Studies.
 Karaman MM, Rowe DB, Nencka AS: Decreasing False Positives and Negatives from Spatio-Temporal Processing of FMRI.

 February 2014: Published Paper

 Iain Bruce's paper Mathematical Implications of GRAPPA Magnetic Resonence Image reconstruction published in IEEE-Transactions in Medical Imaging.

 January 2014: Published Paper

 Muge Karaman's paper on DETECT-ING functinal Magnetic Resonence Imaging brain activation model published in Magnetic Resonence Imaging.

 November 2013: Submitted ISMRM Abstracts

 As a Lab, we submitted five ISMRM abstracts. My fingers are crossed.

 October 2013: Accepted Paper

 Lab member Iain Bruce has his paper "Quantifying the Statistical Impact of GRAPPA in fcMRI Data with a Real-Valued Isomorphism" accepted in the journal IEEE Transactions in Medical Imaging. Congratulations and great job Iain!

 September 2013: Accepted Paper

 Lab member Muge Karaman has her paper "A Statistical fMRI Model for Differential T2* Contrast Incorporating T1 and T2* of Gray Matter" accepted in the journal Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Congratulations and great job Muge!

 September 2013: Dissertation Proposal Defense

 Lab member Mustafa Farrah passed his dissertation proposal defense at UWM. Congratulations and great job Mustaffa!

 August 2013: Comprehensive Exam

 Lab Member Mary Kociuba passed her written comprehensive exam. Congratulations Mary!

 August 2013: JSM - Session on Recent Advances in Image Analysis

 Dan Rowe presented research titled
 Separation of Several Aliased Images to Increase Volume Speed

 June 2013: SAMSI - Neuro Data Analysis

 Friday 06-14-13 Talk Is My Correlation of Biological Origin?

 May 2013: Workshop on Brain Image Analysis, Madison WI

 Iain P. Bruce, M. Muge Karaman, and Mary Kociuba presented their work.

 April 2013: ISMRM 2013 in Salt Lake City, UT

 Daniel B. Rowe presented work in oral presentation.
 Abstract 0123: Separation of Two Simultaneously Encoded Slices with a Single Coil..
 Iain P. Bruce presented 2 poster presentations.
 Abstract 2229:Artificial Correlations Induced by SENSE and GRAPPA Corrupt fcMRI Conclusions.
 Abstract 2733: SENSE Induced Correlations are Used to Optimize RF Coil Design for Specific fcMRI Studies.
 M. Muge Karaman presented 2 poster presentations.
 Abstract 2232: Temporal Processing of fMRI Data Induces Functional Correlations and Potentially Alters Functional Activations.
 Abstract 2285: Incorporation of Gray Matter T1 and T2* Improves Brain Activation Statistics in fMRI.*
 * Selected for Magna Cum Laude Award.

 March 2013: What are your chances of filling out a perfect bracket?

 CBS 58 News Interviews Marquette Math Professor about NCAA Basketball Tournament
 Professor Rowe Explains that the number of possible combinations for the NCAA 68 team brackets is over 147 quintillion.
 He further went on to describe how the probability of a perfect bracket can be increased using seeding information and historical probabilities.
 See the story at

 January 2012: What the future holds

 "With respect to BOLD fMRI, models have been proposed that predict task-related phase changes (Rowe, 2005; Zhao et al., 2007; Feng et al., 2009) and
 suggest more information on physiological processes in phase than in magnitude (Petridou et al., 2009). If changes in susceptibility can be measured reliably
 based on GRE-EPI data, it will become possible to predict changes in blood susceptibility not only in single, large macro vessels (Sedlacik et al., 2007), but
 also in regions containing randomly orientated blood vessels. Future avenues of QSM will also certainly encompass applications to tissues and organs other
 than the brain (e.g., abdominal or breast imaging),which will have clinical implications and will open possibilities for future research."
 -Jurgen Reichenbach, The future of susceptibility contrast for assessment of anatomy and function. Neuroimage 62:1311-1315, 2012.